When you think it s easy that it might be difficult, what my farther always says. Well this illustrates well what happened that day. This was a middle of the week hike and we didn t feel like going to crazy so we decided to head to Harrison Hotsprings for this 5hour hike. As you see on the pictures, really nothing extraordinary but we had our moment of drama. After 90 min of hiking, we came up to this creek, very easy to go pass and nowhere the need of a bridge. However there was a bridge. Bonn-Tien was in front of me and started on this bridge which is an actual log with some old rotten hand rail. I guess that the area was very humid and the log was also very rotten, and very slippery...
Almost at the middle of the log, 3 m high from the rocky creek, Bonn-Tien slipped and barely made it by grabbing this beloved hand-rail. My heart pounded, I think BT could have seriously wounded herself, on this very easy hike!! Never underestimate the mountain.
We had one good viewpoint of Harrison lake and the Campbell lake in question was spoiled by the local rednecks, beers, trash, you name it. At least an extra day of adventure and 1 more hike of the 103 hikes (45 hikes already done from that book!).
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